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Animation, Animals, Comics, Cartoons, Scripts, Screenplays, Musicals, Children's Books, Music, and more!!!!!!....... My dog is big....REAL BIG.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

hot summer days......

Its been over a year since I posted!



It's hot......really hot.

Summer was late this year so I wont complain. We had an extra long, wet spring. The mountains are still covered in snowpack...worrisome for flooding...but nice.

Sophie is doing well. She is in heat currently.
I write that here so I can keep track.

She was getting really skinng a month back. I was pretty worried, but I mixed some dried with that wet Pedigree stuff and now she seems to be fine.

Sophie does well with our birds...a little rough but she does pretty good.

I had to get a bark collar....neighbors complained, so I had no choice.

arghhhh...maybe until we move to a ranch.

Yee Haw!

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