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Animation, Animals, Comics, Cartoons, Scripts, Screenplays, Musicals, Children's Books, Music, and more!!!!!!....... My dog is big....REAL BIG.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Summer is always busy around my house. I take Sophie out to the "pit" a couple times a week for a good run. She loves it. (although there are a couple of noisy dogs that pester her from behind a fence.)

Sophie did something amazing the other day. Now, you know ASD's are tough and all powerful. Well, Sophie snapped her tether leash. I couldn't believe it. It literally snapped.
I had to buy a new one. (consider that it is 9 months old leash...so there is a little wear on it).
But, nevertheless, she is one powerful dog!

I am training Sophie with our ducks to be gentle. She hangs out with the ducks all day (in an adjoining kennel) and doesn't seem to mind them, however, she gets a little excited when I put them together and immediatley smothers them. Feathers go flying. My meanest duck is the guinea pig for this experiment. heh heh....she never hurts them....just a little rough tho.

yee haw!